Testing laboratories

For certification purposes, the testing laboratory for analysing the sample shall be recognized by the certification body that will be contracted by the applicant. This page provides a list of recognized testing laboratories for each certification body associated with this bio-based content certification scheme. It should be noted that the testing laboratory may outsource part of the analyses to another testing laboratory, provided that this testing laboratory is recognized by the certification body and that outsourcing is stated in the proposition.

IMPORTANT – The applicant is advised to contact a testing laboratory after entering into an agreement with one of the certification bodies associated with this bio-based content certification scheme to ensure that the testing laboratory is recognized by this certification body.

Analysing samples for bio-based content determination is a rather new business. It is expected that the number of recognized testing laboratories will increase. In addition, it should be noted that accredited test methods are available to date for the elements C (carbon), H (hydrogen) and N (nitrogen) and for 14C, but not yet for the element O (oxygen). For this reason, the elemental analysis of oxygen cannot be part of the certification process until an accredited test method is available and testing laboratories are recognized for this.

Overview of recognized testing laboratories per certification body

Testing laboratories are only recognized for the analyses indicated with an ‘X’.


Testing laboratory 14C analysis Elemental analysis
Beta Analytic (United States) X        
China National Center for Quality and Supervision of Plastics [NTSQP] (China) X        
DIN CERTCO Gesellschaft für Konformitätsbewertung (Germany) X        
Organic Waste Systems [OWS] (Belgium) X X X   X
SGS France SASU (France)   X X   X


TÜV Austria Belgium (formerly: Vinçotte)

Testing laboratory 14C analysis Elemental analysis
Beta Analytic (United States) X        
TNO [formerly: ECN] (The Netherlands)   X X   X
Organic Waste Systems [OWS] (Belgium)
subcontracting to accredited lab


Last update: 2021-02-05


Testing laboratories not listed in this overview can contact the scheme manager about the possibilities to become recognized for one or more of the test methods they offer to determine the bio-based content of products.

The criteria to be recognized as testing laboratory by DIN CERTCO can be obtained from their website. Interested laboratories are advised to review these criteria and associated documents. They can also contact DIN CERTCO directly for more information or to apply for recognition.

+31(0)15 2 690 390